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About our Company

NWinds has been providing quality software since our founding in 1987. It is our mission to help in the automation of data management and forms processing - a clearly defined critical need in the private and public sector. We believe the best way to achieve this goal is to provide quality software to help ease the arduous tasks of data entry, form generation and bulk mailing and allow for ease of use and workflow automation. 

Dr. Randolph (Randy) Krofick has served as NWinds President and Programming Director since 1987.

Some of the customers we have written software for include:

BlumbergExcelsior- legal software including Blankrupter, the most popular bankruptcy software.
Hoffman LaRoche- internal form processing software.
Deluxe Check Printers- Private label form filling software.
Rapid Forms- Private label form filling software.
Unz & Company- Private label Import /Export software (NAFTA).
Department of the Navy- Form Processing and mail room software.
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey- Criminal Arrest Processing software.
Private Industry Council- Employment placement and tracking software.
Westinghouse- Engineering.
Transkrit- Private label Mailer software.
Robert Shaw- AI control testing software.
Daniel Chapter One- Sport Training Software
IBM- form processing software.
Bankers Systems- Internet forms for banking
US Legal - Legal forms online
Internal Revenue Service - Form automation
Land & Legal - Real estate title software